Environmental Policy.....

Our Environmental Policy is to be a responsible corporate citizen in protecting the environment. We are committed to complying with accepted environmental practices, including the commitment to meet or exceed applicable legal and other requirements, to strive for continual improvement in our environmental management system, and to minimize the creation of waste and pollution. We will, therefore, manage our processes, our materials and our people in order to reduce the environmental impact on our work ..........

Shorbagy Group have set out the following main objectives:
- Reduce, reuse and recycle waste and packaging.
- Improve the efficiency of energy usage.
- Constantly review aspects, objectives and targets.
- Understand the requirements of customers, authorities and agencies.

In particular Shorbagy Group will:
- Ensure appropriate resources will continually be made to ensure the environmental policy is implemented in full.
- Discuss environmental issues with all employees, conduct training programs and encourage best implementation practice by all Shorbagy Group personnel.
- Work with suppliers to minimize the impact of their operations on the environment through a quality purchasing policy.

Seek to reduce the following:
- Consumption of materials in all operations, reuse rather than dispose wherever possible and to promote recycled materials.
- Ensure all our vehicles are replaced at economic intervals and regularly undergo normal servicing where the key factor is the exhaust emission produced by these vehicles and also ensure they are well below the limits set by the transport department.
- Noise, visual and other impacts on the local environment.